We have been so fortunate in out life that after every step we take, we are always given choice. Just as we always have the option to smile or to frown. Some people take the option to smile even when the chips are down, while others are not able to enjoy the best moments in life. Similarly life is a storm and we still have to choices, we can either crib or we can learn to dance in the rain.
The sooner we start learning to dance in the rain the better. Many people don’t realize this thing till late in their lives and some don’t even get to know this fact. Some people never get a chance to get out in the rain let alone learning dancing.
Life is always up there asking for questions and every time you figure out what the answer could be the question changes. I guess that’s why it is said that change is the spice of life. Change is something which is inevitable, it has to happen and we have to deal with that. If there isn’t any change the life becomes so monotonous and it seems like all the charm is lost. But then why does the human being always resist the change, who knows it might be something happening for good. We always have the choices but most of us don’t even prefer to go for them. We prefer the easy way out even though it is very dreary…to avoid the change we console ourselves saying that it is difficult time and it will pass by(preferring the storm to pass)…rather than going out and making an effort!! I remember the lines of the song by Gurdas Mann:
“bin suiyan paate nahi silde
ghar baithe mehram nahi milde
mehram layi marna painda hai
kachiya te tarna painda hai”
There are a very few people who actually make an effort, but then it’s only those people who weather the storm and grasp each opportunity, that go to the top of the world. As some one has said, “Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die”. It is so easy to point a finger at someone but the journey the person has gone through to reach that destination is often unseen. They are the ones who have lived the lives to the fullest and a life lived to the fullest includes pain, grief, anguish apart from fun and happiness.
The choice is again up to us either we resist the change and have what according to us is a smooth life, which actually is nothing but hollow from inside or live life to the fullest and go dancing in the rain!!